Spirit Day – 100 days of school, dress like you’re 100!

How sick is too sick?

We would like to send a reminder about keeping our school and community healthy. St Vrain Valley School District follows Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) guidance for routine decisions about when children should stay home from school. Guidance regarding most symptoms can be found in the “How sick is too sick?” document. 

Key points include:

  • Please do not send your student to school if he/she is experiencing symptoms that require him/her to stay home.
  • Fever is considered a temperature of 100.4° or higher. The child may return to school or child care if the fever has been resolved for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications.
  • For vomiting, the child may return 24 hours after their last episode of vomiting.

This guidance applies throughout the school year, but is especially important during the cold and flu season. For questions, please reach out to Jenn Byxbe or our health clerk, Karley Benyamna. 

Dear Centennial Elementary Families,

We would like to invite you to attend Parent-Teacher Conferences February 10th-12th.  

All conferences will be in person at Centennial Elementary.  With respect to our teachers time, as well as yours, we are allowing only one conference per student.  

Please visit Meet the Teacher to book your appointments. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at the front office at

 (720) 652-8240 and we will be happy to help you.

Enrichment Classes

Sign up today at https://stvrain.revtrak.net.

2/6 – Valentine’s Day Wreath

2/7 – Marbled Valentine’s

2/21 – February Cupcake Wars

3/6 – Leprechaun Gnome

3/10 – Husky Squishie

3/11- Wooden Leprechaun

4/10 – Stuff-A-Dream Pet

5/5 – Galaxy Slime

5/9 – Clay Pot Garden Gnome

5/12 – End of Year Stuffed Animal

Questions: Jen Kenfield @ [email protected]

Qdoba Spirit Night

Visit Qdoba in Firestone on March 4th from 4pm-8pm to support Centennial PTO for Spirit Night. Please visit the link to get the digital code to help support!

Here’s the link to the fundraiser webpage.

LEVEL UP: Centennial’s Arcade Adventure

Save the date! Saturday, March 8th will be an afternoon of fun and games at Centennial. We will play from 1:00pm – 5:00pm. Come join in the fun!

Attention 5th Grade Students interested in Project Launch 2025 at Coal Ridge

Project Launch students can strengthen their reading and math abilities over the summer in a fun, friendly, camp-like environment. Current 5th grade students can enroll in Project Launch at Coal Ridge. Dates will be June 2nd-June 26th, Mon. – Thurs. from 7:45am – 1:45pm.

Business Sponsor Needed

The PTO is looking for businesses to sponsor Centennial’s Fun’d Run. If you work for a company that might be interested in sponsoring this event, please reach out to [email protected] and inquire about our various levels. Thank you for your support!

Dear Centennial Parents,

We are looking for a speaker system to use during our upcoming unified basketball (February) and soccer (May) games. If any family has one we could borrow for the events please email [email protected].

Thank you so much for your support!

SSN Team 

Crossing Guard Wanted

Are you interested in joining our Centennial team? We are hiring for a Crossing Guard to help support students and families at Birch Street. Please click on this link for more information – 

Crossing Guard Application.  If you have any questions or would like to talk more, please email Sarah Coniglio at [email protected]. Thank you! 

Attendance  —

Our current attendance rate for Centennial is 94.31%. Thank you to everyone Striving for Five and perfect attendance. Congratulations to the 119 Centennial students who are earning a ticket to go and see our Colorado Rapids soccer team! If your child was a winner, you will receive additional information from Mrs. Tiffany Dowd, our attendance clerk/registrar.

PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support)

At our Late Start assembly, we celebrated students who have been demonstrating Attitude – Putting forth best effort, Participating in activities, Being a problem solver, Completing quality work. Thank you for continuing to talk with your children at home about T.R.A.C.K. (Trust, Respect, Attitude, Cooperation, Keeping Safe). Did you know students who earn awards at our Late Start assemblies for Attendance, Academics and Citizenship also earn a Chic-Fil-A lunch? Thank you Chic-Fil-A for your partnership! 

The Health Office is in need of clothing donations. We are most in need of boys underwear in sizes S/M/L, M and L sweatpants and girls M and L leggings and underwear sizes S/M. Thank you so much!

Cold Weather…Brrrrrrrrrr

As we are heading into this season when we may have some days with colder weather, please be sure to help your child be most successful.

  • Have your child bring a warm coat and hat/gloves as needed.
  • We ask that students have snow pants and boots if they would like to play in the field when there is snow on the ground.
  • Our school district and school will communicate with our community if we have weather that requires us to move from in-person learning to an online learning day.

Lost and Found

Students, your stuff misses YOU too! So many lost coats are looking for their homes. Please take a moment to stop by the Lost and Found area to check for your missing things!

IPad Insurance is a LifeSaver

Did you miss the window to pay for your child’s IPad Insurance? It’s not too late! Half Year Insurance is now available. The cost is $12.50 per IPad. You can still enroll in insurance provided that someone at Centennial completes an inspection of the iPad first. If it is damaged, the iPad may not be enrolled in insurance until the fee for the existing damage is paid. Please visit the school office today for IPad inspection and insurance payment. Click on the link below to read about what IPad insurance covers and why it is so valuable.

Mead High School Theater hosts a Kid’s Night Out! 

Friday, Feb 7th, 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Kindergarten-5th grade

Drop off at Mead High School auditorium entrance.

$30 per child

Dinner included!

Plan to join us for a fun night of disco-themed games, crafts, and activities as we prepare for our spring musical Mama Mia! This will be a night you don’t want to miss. 

Register Now! Please email Kelly Baxter ([email protected]) with any questions.

Mini Mavericks Spirit Clinic

Mead High School will host a Spirit clinic for cheer and dance teams. The clinic is for K-8th graders and will take place on Feb. 18th, at 4:00pm. Please click below for more information on how to sign up.

Accessibility Night at the Innovation Center

We are a group of high schoolers at the Innovation Center that is advocating for inclusion and accessibility within SVVSD. We are working to make a world where everyone can do what they want to do, in the way they want to do it. 

We are hosting an event on February 21st from 4:00-6:00 at the Innovation Center to promote accessibility within the community and embrace all abilities.

Thank you so much for your support!

-The Accessibility Team

Upcoming Parent University Session, February 20

St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers to support the well-being and success of their children.

Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.

Adolescent RISE with Nicholas Thompson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Adolescent RISE is a presentation that takes a fun and informative look at the developmental period of adolescence (ages 10-25). It includes debunking myths about adolescence, understanding the four qualities of adolescence (risk taking, identity formation, social reorientation, and emotional intensity), and learning about the tweenage brain. With this foundation established, ways to better support our kids will be discussed. 

Please register online to assist with planning purposes.

Learn more about St. Vrain’s Parent University and register for upcoming events

University of Colorado Boulder Soccer Clinic

Sunday, February 16th, from 12pm-3pm, Open to both boys and girls, the event will feature University of Colorado Boulder Women’s Soccer players —  Ava Priest, Faith Leyba, Hope Leyba,among others — who will lead a skills training session and team play, concluding with a panel to speak with the players about student-athlete life at the Division I level. This event will take place at Let’s Play Soccer Northglenn, 2180 E 112th Ave, Northglenn, CO 80233

This is an incredible opportunity for your boys and girls, who will not only develop as athletes but learn about the collegiate athlete experience. Spots are limited, and we would greatly appreciate you passing this along to your young athletes and their families.  Discount code –COLORADO10 – $10 off for youth athletes referred through their school. 

Here’s the link for sign up: 


St. Vrain Preschool Expands to Five-Day-A-Week Programs
Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, St. Vrain Valley Schools will offer five-day-a-week preschool programs. Families can explore a variety of high-quality preschool options tailored to meet families’ unique needs, including half-day morning and afternoon sessions, with full-day programs available at select locations. Registration for the upcoming school year begins on December 17.

Visit svvsd.org/preschool for more details and registration information.

Extend Your Child’s Preschool Experience with Wraparound Pre-K Care

St. Vrain Valley Schools offers licensed Wraparound Pre-K Care for children ages 3 to 5 at six school sites, providing a safe and enriching environment to complement preschool or as a childcare option for younger learners. With activities in STEAM, literacy, and creative play, children will build skills and confidence in a nurturing setting. Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens February 6.

Visit Community Schools online to learn more and register.

Important Dates to Remember:

2/10 – 2/12 – Parent/Teacher Conferences

2/14 – No School

2/17 – President’s Day, No School

2/20 – 4th Grade Field Trip

2/20 – 3rd/4th Music Program @ FHS

2/21 – Kindergarten Field Trip

2/21 – Unified Sports Basketball Game

2/27 – Sky Dome Planetarium Assembly

3/4 – Qdoba Spirit Night

Centennial Elementary School